Our kickstarter project was a great success, with hundreds and hundreds of Power Moles sold all over the world! We've continued to receive great feedback from our customers, and are excited to sell the product to more users.
With that said, we are now selling on Amazon! Shipping currently is free and only within the US. For international orders, send us a request and we may be able to get one out to you. Cheers!
We launched the 2nd Generation Power Mole on Kickstarter today! It is longer range, smaller, more efficient, quieter, and has tethered cables for easier installation. We now ship worldwide as well.
We also have a limited number of units available on our Square store for immediate purchase. Check out our launch video today!
We've officially SOLD OUT all of our 1st generation Power Moles. Thanks everyone for the great support. We literally put together every last piece of hardware we could scrape together and still ran out.
However, there is some good news! We have an exciting announcement coming the end of the first week of January, so stay tuned! The Power Mole is alive and well. Happy New Year everyone~Cheers
There's been a lot of excitement within the Acqua Industries headquarters this month. We've shipped our first international unit to Ontario, Canada! We have just about sold every unit we can possibly make. Each Power Mole to date has been designed AND manufactured right here in California. Pretty cool stuff.
We are actively working on getting some updated Power Moles. This may take until early next year. We're looking to make some improvements on an already great design, so stay tuned!
We're continuing to get some nice install photos sent in from our customers, as shown below:
We love to hear your feedback and positive reviews, so keep them coming! It is always nice when we hear our products are working well for our customers. Any other feedback and new feature requests is always welcome at hello@acquaindustries.com!
We are continuing to replenesh our stock of Power Moles, and have availability again on our online store! We've also added a discounted 2-pack, as we are finding many people are ordering 2 or more Power Moles at once.
Keep sending in your photos of your successful Power Mole installs! We love to see it!
We have a few unsold units we will be selling for a limited time via our online store! For a limited time, get a Power Mole for $71 with $1 shipping. We'll get it shipped out to you within a week.
We are actively working on getting more stock, so stay tuned....
All orders for all production runs have been completed - with zero returns! Thanks everyone for supporting us through the process. Reminder, if you haven't filled out the survey to receive your Power Mole, please do and we will get the device out to you.
The online link to join our mailing list is Here.
We'll keep everyone informed on the latest information and product updates via the mailing list. As for what's next - we are looking to expand production of the Power Mole to get it into more customer's hands, but this will take some time to ensure the quality remains high.
As always, we can be directly reached at hello@acquaindustries.com for specific questions. Thanks again and see you next time!
Hi Everyone,
Because the production yield was higher than expected, we will be able to fulfill all orders in the next 4 weeks. This includes the 2nd and 3rd production runs we originally planned to ship in October. For those who haven't filled out the survey, please do so and we can get you your Power Mole!
We've gotten a lot of interest about opening up more orders for the Power Mole, and we are working to enable a larger production run towards the end of the year. We will keep you posted by updating the acquaindustries.com website.
Finally, we'd love to see pictures of your Power Mole installation. If anyone wants to send photos and feedback to hello@acquaindustries.com, we would love to see it!
...and a Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there!
If you ordered one of our "Made in USA" first production run units, it has been shipped! If you haven't gotten an email notification from USPS with the tracking number and would like it, send a message and we will get that to you.
A few of you haven't filled out the backer survey with your address, so please fill that out and we can ship out your unit.
When you get your unit, if you can send us a picture of your setup or any questions we'd love to hear from you: hello@acquaindustries.com
For 2nd and 3rd production runs, we will get these out no later than the agreed to timeline.
Thanks everyone for the support on this successful launch!
A total of 30 units shipped out in the last week. The production process is being fine tuned, and output is increasing. This phase, to use industry terminology, is known as "ramp".
We anticipate notably increasing the output per week to achieve the goal of all "production run 1" units shipped out in May. When you get your unit, we'd love if you sent us pictures of your setup!
Some notes and instructions:
(1) Every unit is tested before ship-out. Every unit is found to exceed the minimum specs set [0-30mm and at least 10 Watts of power at 5 Volts]. This will work on your window, as advertised.
(2) The Power Mole is as simple as "slap it on either side of your window with the supplied adhesive and power will transfer". There's no software to install or apps, it will just work. However, there are some gotchas to watch out for to make it easy:
We've made a video that can make this clear if you prefer that format:
And a final note on Ring cameras. They are 5 Volts so work with the Power Mole, but they use barrel jacks (stick up cam), micro usb (indoor cam) and usb-c (newer models). So each will require a different adapter. And one unfortunate coincidence is the Power Mole adapter fits into the Ring Stick-Up Cam. Do not plug the Power Mole Transmitter's adapter into the Ring cam; this will break the Ring Camera. We've also made a video with another install example here, to make this clear as well:
To use industry terminology, FATP (final assembly, test and packout) is going well. The first 5 units were shipped out today! Right now the building is going slow, but if you ordered a unit you will get it. We're working hard to get the first production run units shipped out in May. Thanks for staying with us!
We've completed all of our validation and the Power Mole is now in production! The claims we made - up to 10 Watts of power through glass up to 30mm thick - are not just achieved, but exceeded. We tested on many Nestcams, Ring cams, USB lights and Wyze cams across all thicknesses and types of glass. And of course, as advertised, low-E windows did not present an issue.
We will ship out first units within a week, and we will work to get all units ordered from the first production run shipped out in May. If you haven't filled out the backer survey giving your information, please do. We also have a mailing list you can join if you would like to stay up to date with the latest information.
Below is a picture of our American production line, prepping Power Moles for shipping.
Thank you to everyone who supported us - we have successfully funded the kickstarter and the launch of the Power Mole is a go!
We will be sending a survey within a few days to backers who pledged for a Power Mole that will ask for your name and address for where we will deliver the product. There will be many optional questions that we hope to use to understand better how the device will be used and who is buying it. Except for the name and address, if the survey is too long or cumbersome, feel free to skip.
For production status, we are currently building up 10 sets of production Power Moles, which we are using to help finalize the firmware. In case I haven't defined it, firmware is the code that runs on the microcontrollers on both the transmitter and receiver such that they work together properly and execute the agreed-to functions of the product. The plan is to continue to optimize and refine the firmware across units as we continue to get the device ready to ship. It's a bit nerve r acking to go pencils down on the product - there are no over-the-air updates possible, so it needs to be perfect! The goal remains to be at this state by the end of April, so that the production and ship-out occurs in May.
So for the most common question near term, and rightly so: "When will I get my Power Mole??" We gave May in the kickstarter for delivery date on the first production run, and it means a lot to deliver on what we say. No one likes the contractor who says they will arrive and doesn't show up on time, or deliver what they said. We don't want to be that guy. Expect it in May.
Again, a huge thank you to everyone who supported this project. The positive response is more than we anticipated and we are excited to get this out to everyone.
Just a few days left before the kickstarter campaign closes. We remain on pace to ship the first production units in mid May. They will go out in the order received. We intend to have every unit shipped before the end of May.
For updates, we've begun assembling more units (Made in the USA!), and are testing the firmware across devices to ensure consistency. We're also refining the firmware for improved object detection and efficiency improvements.
In lighter news, we have an AI developed mascot we are happy to unveil. Not sure what the name will be quite yet:
Huge thanks again to everyone who has supported the Power Mole - we've completely sold out our first production run! All future orders will be a part of the October or Q4 2024 production build.
All of our PCBs are also now in house and the first units are not only functional (this is a HUGE sigh of relief if you've ever paid for a big PCB run), but also achieving the 30mm spec at 10 Watts!
One note in case your zooming in, this test is done with 3d printed housings, but all injection molded parts are already produced and in-house.
The probability of successfully shipping the first run of units in May continues to increase....
Hi Everyone - thanks for the incredible support on this product. We honestly weren't sure how well it would be received, so we are thrilled to have achieved the number of backers we have in the first 10 days. We're at 165 backers and over $10,000 in sales - pretty awesome!
We remain on pace to deliver the "Made in USA" units in May. The assembled PCBs are still in transit with Fedex but hopefully will be here within a week. The month of April is slated for firmware finalization and assembly bringup (slowly building units to get the process right). May is slated for assembly and shipping.
We're super excited to get this product out to everyone. We'll be bothering everyone a lot more before and after launch with surveys to help us understand the market and use cases better.
Thanks again for helping make this product a reality!
Thanks everyone for the support so far! Happy to see there has been a lot of interest in this product.
The most common question we've been getting is about shipping outside of the US. From a product perspective, this isn't hard to do. The power adapter that the transmitter uses can easily be changed to work with UK/EU plugs; there's nothing special there. The main reason for not expanding is the difficulties with logistics and expense of shipping internationally. We've been seeing fairly high shipping estimates for sending packages internationally, and then the import duty/taxes are not clear either. Basically, we can't give a clear "total cost to purchase" for non-US countries, and for that reason we haven't expanded distribution yet.
Other Updates:
The production run PCBs (labeled PVT in our product description/schedule) have finished assembly and are being shipped over to our labs. We have black solder mask now (exciting only to electrical engineers)! Here's a picture of the first boards (panelized) that are being sent:
We are live on kickstarter! Today we officially took the wraps off of a product that is years in the making - introducing The Power Mole, a transmitter and receiver that can power any 5 Volt device (up to 10 Watts) through gaps of anything non-metallic up to 30mm! Check out our page and order one if your interested, or ping us for any feedback and questions.
The Power Mole is Made in the USA and is $59, which includes the Transmitter, Receiver and the Power Adapter
The concept for the Power Mole, along with some of its features are spelled out in this video: